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The Official release of the Prayer of Pope Francis Apostolic Journey.

Donovan Pintol (CBC PNGSI SOCOM)

Port Moresby: With the dates of the Visit of the Holy Father now set for the 6th-9th

of September, the Episcopal Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon

Islands has released a prayer dedicated towards Pope Francis’ Apostolic Journey.

The official release of the prayer was done by the Chairman of the Organizing

Committee. His Lordship, Bishop Rozario Menezes (Bishop of Lae Diocese) on

Monday, the 24th of June.

The prayer is both in English and Tok Pisin which is the lingua franca of the island


Heavenly Father, we thank you for choosing Pope Francis to lead and guide the

Church your Son Jesus established, we ask you to seal him with the power of the

Holy Spirit and bless him as he travels to our beloved country Papua New Guinea.

May his presence among us convey the message of peace and joy, bringing the

Good News of salvation to all.

As Jesus taught His disciples to pray, may this apostolic journey strengthen our

prayer life and make us true disciples of Christ, witnessing to His life, death and


We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen

Mary Mother of the Church – Pray for us

St. Joseph - Pray for us

St. Michael guardian and protector of PNG- Pray for us

Blessed Peter ToRot - Pray for us and strengthen our faith

As per encouraged by the Papal Visit Committee, the prayer is to be said by all

during individual time, holistic masses, or prayer meetings with regards for a safe

Journey of the Holy Father.

Given the fact that, the Holy father is in his eighties and is going through medical

conditions, but for his love for the people of all ethnicities, race, and colour, he has

decided to take such Pontifical Journey across the globe.

That is why the Papal Visit Committee is encouraging us all to keep with the prayer.

So that, God the Father can keep the Pope safe and healthy through-out his

Pontifical Journey in September.

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